Uses of ITS including consideration of planning for future improvements, upgrades and the economy

Economic growth typically results in an increase of both freight and passenger traffic. This generally compounds the problems in transportation systems. ITS technologies have been widely used to mitigate many of these transportation challenges and will continue to play an increasingly important role in securing the future of sustainable mobility. Sections 1 and 2 of this report deal with the primary factors that contribute to a sustainable transportation system. It also explores the ITS services employed in improving traffic safety and security, enhancing mobility and network operations.
Section 3 of the report deals in some detail with Cost and Benefit Analysis (CBA) in the transport sector. The CBA allows for a determination of the value of a project by dividing the incremental monetised benefits related to a project by the incremental costs of that project. Given the general scarcity of public funds for the implementation of projects in the public sector, authorities must act prudently in the allocation of such funds for feasible transportation projects. The CBA is thus widely used in the transport sector, all over the world, to conduct such evaluations and assessments. The benefit/cost ratio is regarded as an easy indicator as to whether an investment is economically feasible or not. It also provides a basis upon which to compare ITS investments with other investments, in a generally accepted manner.
The final section, section 4 of the report deals with ITS considerations in developing countries. Road network infrastructure and transportation systems are amongst the key strategic economic assets of countries across the world. These take on particular significance in the developing world as an enabler for economic development and poverty reduction in facilitating the movement of goods and services for society at large.
Information sheet
- Date: 2016
- Author(s): Comité technique 2.1 Gestion des Réseaux routiers Technical Committee 2.1 Road Network Operations
- Domain(s): Road Network Operations
- Type: 2016R10EN - Technical Report
- PIARC Ref.: 2016R10EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-391-7
- Number of pages: 43